You can have access to multiple locations with your same username and password. You do not need to sign up again. Your company's administrator can update your profile to grant you access to additional locations.
How To
If you can access the application:
- Login with your existing username and password
- Click on your name in the top right corner
- Select 'Support' from the menu
- The location that displays in the support ticket will be your current location, that's okay
- Use the subject line and the questions/comments box to write a detailed request of the location you wish to gain access to
- Submit the ticket
- The administrator will notified of the request and will respond to you directly; please allow two business days for a response
If you do not have access the application:
If you do not have access to the application, please email or call your company's administrator. If you do not have their contact information, submit a ticket using the option in the top right corner of this page and we will connect you.
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